The Economics Observatory of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria is organizing a session with Manuel Pizarro, president of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation and member of the Council of State, on February 1 at 4 pm in the Salón de Grados.
In the conference, the former president of entities such as Bolsa de Madrid, Ibercaja, Bolsa y Mercados Españoles, Endesa or Backer and Mackenzy España will delve into the process of Spanish convergence with the rest of the European economies in recent decades.
Under the title 'European Convergence', Pizarro will present a comparison of the nominal and real parameters of the euro zone economies and will develop the weight of our national economy in the common market, providing an overview of the Spanish position in the Union.
-Manuel Pizarro, President of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation. State Counselor
-José María Rotellar, Director of the UFV Economic Observatory.
Date of the activity: February 1, 2024.
Place where it will take place: Salón de Grados.
Starting and ending time: 16h - 17.30h.
